Kearney Lecture Award
Yarimar Bonilla, Rutgers University
The Coloniality of Disaster: Race, Empire, and Emergency in Puerto Rico, USA
Book Award
Winner: Kathleen M. Millar (Simon Fraser University), Reclaiming the Discarded: Life and Labor in Rio’s Garbage Dump (Duke University Press).
Honorable Mention: Alexander L. Fattal (UC San Diego), Guerilla Marketing: Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia (University of Chicago Press).
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Daniel Salas (Dalhousie University), “Practices of Double Currency: Value and Politics in Rural Cuba”
Honorable Mention: Felipe Fernández Lozano (Freie Universität, Berlin), “Diseños para escalar la infraestructura. A propósito de la intervención estatal en el casco urbano de Buenaventura, Colombia.”
Book Award
Winner: Alex E. Chávez (University of Notre Dame), Sounds of Crossing: Music, Migrations, and the Aural Poetics of Huapango Arribeño (Duke University Press).
Honorable Mention: Mariana Mora (CIESAS, Mexico), Kuxlejal Politics: Indigenous Autonomy, Race, and Decolonizing Research in Zapatista Communities (University of Texas Press).
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Jennifer Cearns (University College London), “The ‘Mula Ring’: networks of material circulation and exchange through the Cuban world.”
Honorable Mention: Werner B. Hertzog (Vanderbilt University), “The Economics of Nativist Cycles: Credit, Liquidity, and the Highland Chiapas ‘Cargo Bubble,’ 1940-1970.”
Kearney Lecture Award
Marc Edelman, Hunter College & The Graduate Center, City University of New York
¿Cuánta soberanía alimentaria se puede conseguir por un millón de dólares?
Book Award
Winner: Angela Steusse (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South (University of California Press).
Honorable Mention: Christina Bueno (Northeastern Illinois University), The Pursuit of Ruins: Archaeology, History, and the Making of Modern Mexico (University of New Mexico Press).
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Luis Alfredo Briceño González (Flacso-Ecuador), “Agencia indígena y recuperación de territorio: caso del líder yukpa Sabino Romero en la Sierra de Perijá.”
Whiteford Graduate Student Award
Winner: Matthew Lebrato (Indiana University), “Utilizing Local Epistemologies in Building a Framework for Indigenous/Non-Indigenous Collaborations.”
Honorable Mentions: Claudia Bongianino (National Museum/ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), “Spiritual and Physical Borderlands: Exhibiting the Invisible Presence of God and Other Afro-Caribbean Kindred in Old Bank Panama.” and Justin Perez (University of California Irvine) “The Erotic Equation of Truth: Collective Accounts of the Internal Armed Conflict among Gay and Transgender Communities in Peru.”
Book Award
Winners: Jason De León (University of Michigan), The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail (University of California Press). and Emily Yates-Doerr (Oregon State University), The Weight of Obesity: Hunger and Global Health in Post-War Guatemala (University of California Press).
Book Award
Winner: Lucas Bessire (University of Oklahoma), Behold the Black Caiman: A Chronicle of Ayoreo Life (University of Chicago Press).
Honorable Mentions: Taniele Rui (Universide Estatual de Campinas, Brazil), Nas tramas do crack: etnografia de abjeção and Alex M. Nading (University of Edinburgh), Mosquito Trails: Ecology, Health, and the Politics of Engagement (University of California Press).
Roseberry-Nash Prize Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Monica Salas Landa (Cornell University), “Modernist Ruins, Fragmented Debris: The Unmaking Of Monumentality in the Northern lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico.”
Honorable Mention: Sydney M. Silverstein (Emory University), “Inside a Uniform Imaginary: Gender, Politics and Aesthetics in Peruvian Technical Education.”
Book Award
Winner: Paja Faudree (Brown University), Singing for the Dead: The Politics of Indigenous Ethnic Revival in Mexico (Duke University Press).
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Kyrstin Mallon Andrews (University of California Irvine), “Sinks for the Press: Cholera and State Performance of Power at the Dominican Border.”
Kearney Lecture Award
Carmen Bueno, Iberoamerican University (Mexico City)
Globalization and the challenge for the anthropology of organizations and industrial production
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Yana Stainova (Brown University), “Social Fragility and the Sonorous Gift: The Social Resonance of Classical Music in the Youth Orchestras of Venezuela’s El Sistema.”
Whiteford Graduate Student Award
Winner: Jordan Levy (University of Western Ontario), “Schoolteachers and National ‘Public’ Education in Honduras: Navigating the Reforms and Re-Founding the State.”
Honorable Mention: Justin Perez (University of California Irvine), “His Death a New Political Movement May Find Life: Cyber Hagiography and Antidiscrimination Law in Chile,”
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Joseph Wilkberger (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), “Beyond Remittances.”
Kearney Lecture Award
Carole Browner, University of California Los Angeles
A Legacy of Michael Kearney: Global and Transnational Approaches to the Anthropology of Reproduction and Reproductive Rights
Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Nell Haynes (American University), “Pinning Down the Chola: Bolivian Wrestling and Social Change.“