Annual Book Award




Call for SLACA Book Prize Submissions for 2023

The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA), a section of the American Anthropological Association, announces the opening of its annual Book Prize Competition for 2023. The prize aims to recognize distinguished anthropological work that advances the understanding of the Americas in innovative and potentially transformative ways.

The awards will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in November. A cash prize of $1,000 accompanies each award.

The deadline for nominations for the 2023 competition is April 1, 2024. Please note that nominations received after that date will not be considered for the prize.  Please submit nominations through this form.  Authors and/or publishers will be expected to provide copies of the book for review by the award prize committee on request.

Authors and/or books must meet the following criteria:

  • To be eligible for consideration a book must be relevant to the field of Latin American and Caribbean anthropology. Works that focus on Latin American migrant and diasporic populations will also be considered.
  • Works should be ethnographies or monographs. Textbooks and anthologies will not be considered, but works of original scholarship by more than one author may be submitted.
  • The book must be an author’s first book.
  • The book must have a publication year of 2023.
  • Works in English, Spanish, and Portuguese will be considered.
  • Entrants must hold a current membership in SLACA. Consult the SLACA website for details:

Please contact SLACA Prizes Councilor Ken Seligson with any questions (

Convocatoria Premio SLACA 2023 para Libro en Antropología

La Sociedad para la Antropología Latinoamericana y Caribeña (SLACA; por sus siglas en inglés), una sección de la Asociación de Antropología Americana (AAA), anuncia la apertura de su convocatoria para el Premio SLACA 2023 para libros en Antropología e invita a autores/as y editoriales a participar.

El Premio reconoce una contribución destacada y original al estudio antropológico de las Américas, en el sentido más amplio. Los resultados se anunciarán formalmente durante la Reunión de Negocios de SLACA, la cual se realizará durante el congreso anual de la Asociación de Antropología Americana (AAA) que tendrá lugar en noviembre. Cada premio consiste de US$1,000.

La fecha límite para nominaciones es el 1 de abríl, 2024. No se aceptarán nominaciones que lleguen después de esa fecha. Envíe las nominaciones a través de este formulario.  Se espera que los autores y/o editoriales proporcionen copias del libro para su revisión por parte del comité de premios, si así lo solicitan.

Los/as autores/as y libros deben cumplir los siguientes criterios de elegibilidad:

  • El libro debe de ser pertinente al campo de antropología latinoamericanista o caribeña. Trabajos que tienen como enfoque poblaciones migrantes y diaspórica también pueden ser presentados.
  • Los trabajos deben ser etnografías o monografías. Libros de texto y antologías no serán consideradas pero los libros de trabajo académico original por más de un autor sí pueden ser presentados.
  • Los libros deben tener fecha de publicación de 2023.
  • El libro debe ser el primer libro escrito y publicado por el autor, no incluyendo libros editados, de compilación o de colección. El análisis y los datos presentados en el libro no pueden haber sido publicados previamente en otro libro.
  • Los/as autores/as deben ser miembros de la AAA y de SLACA. Para mayor información sobre como adquirir o renovar membresías, favor de consultar:
  •  Se aceptan libros escritos en inglés, español, y portugués

Comuníquese con el Concejal de Premios de SLACA, Ken Seligson, si tiene alguna pregunta (

Chamada para Submissões Prêmio SLACA 2023 para Livro em Antropologia

A Sociedade para Antropologia da América Latina e do Caribe (em inglês, SLACA), uma seção da Associação Americana de Antropologia, anuncia a abertura da competição anual para o prêmio de livro em antropología de 2023. Os prêmios visa ao reconhecimento de destacados trabalhos que avançam no entendimento das Américas de forma inovadora e potencialmente transformadora. Os prêmios será divulgado durante a reunião anual em novembro. Cada prêmio é acompanhado de um valor de US$1,000.

O prazo para nomeações é 1 de Abril de 2024. Envie nomeações por meio deste formulário.  Os autores e/ou editores deverão fornecer cópias do livro para revisão pelo comitê do prêmio, mediante solicitação.

Critérios de elegibilidade:

  • Para ser elegível ao prêmio, o livro deve ser relevante para o campo de antropologia da América Latina e do Caribe. Obras que focam em populações migrantes e diaspóricas na América Latina também serão consideradas.
  • As obras devem ser etnografias ou monografias. Manuais e antologias não serão considerados, mas obras baseadas em estudos originais de mais de um autor podem ser submetidas
  • O livro deve ser a primeira obra de um(a) autor(a).
  • O livro deve ter sido publicado no ano de 2023
  • Obras em inglês, espanhol e português serão consideradas.
  • Os(as) candidatos(as) deverão ser membros afiliados à SLACA. Consulte o site da SLACA para mais detalhes:

Entre em contato com o Conselheiro de Prêmios SLACA Ken Seligson com qualquer dúvid (

SLACA announces winners of the 2022 SLACA Book Prize

The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) is excited to announce that Christopher Krupa (University of Toronto) has been awarded the 2022 SLACA Book Prize for A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador (University of Pennsylvania Press).

Honorable mentions were awarded to Christopher A. Loperena (CUNY Graduate Center) for The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras (Stanford University Press) and to Mareike Winchell (London School of Economics and Political Science) for After Servitude: Elusive Property and the Ethics of Kinship in Bolivia (University of California Press).

Thanks to all who submitted their work for consideration as well as to the members of the committee for helping us select the winners.

Previous SLACA Book Prize Winners


Winner: Yana Stainova (McMaster University) – Sonorous Worlds: Musical Enchantment in Venezuela, University of Michigan Press

Honorable Mentions: Tami Navarro (Drew University) – Virgin Capital Race, Gender, and Financialization in the US Virgin Islands, State University of New York Press; and fRebecca C. Bartel (San Diego State University) – Card-Carrying Christians: Debt and the Making of Free Market Spirituality in Colombia, University of California Press


Winner: Matilde Córdoba Azcárate, Assistant Professor, UC San Diego. Stuck with Tourism: Space, Power and Labor in Contemporary Yucatán(University of California Press)

Honorable Mention: Hanna Garth, Assistant Professor, Princeton. Food in Cuba: The Pursuit of a Decent Meal(Stanford University Press)


Winner: Amy Moran-ThomasAssociate Professor, MITTraveling with Sugar: Chronicles of a Global Epidemic(University of California Press)

Honorable Mention: Robert Samet, Associate Professor, Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Union College. Deadline: Populism and the Press in Venezuela
(The University of Chicago Press)


Winner: Kathleen M. Millar, Reclaiming the Discarded: Life and Labor in Rio’s Garbage Dump (Duke University Press, 2018)

Honorable Mention: Alexander L. Fattal, Guerrilla Marketing: Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia (University of Chicago Press, 2018)


Winner: Alex E. Chávez, Sounds of Crossing: Music, Migrations, and the Aural

Poetics of Huapango Arribeño (Duke University Press, 2017)

Honorable Mention: Mariana Mora, Kuxlejal Politics: Indigenous Autonomy, Race, and Decolonizing Research in Zapatista Communities (University of Texas Press, 2017)


Winner: Angela Steusse, Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South (University of California Press, 2016)

Honorable Mention: Christina Bueno, The Pursuit of Ruins: Archaeology, History, and the Making of Modern Mexico (University of New Mexico Press, 2016)


Winner: Jason De León, The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail (University of California Press, 2015)

Honorable Mention: Emily Yates-Doerr, The Weight of Obesity: Hunger and Global Health in Post-War Guatemala (University of California Press, 2015).


Winner: Lucas Bessire, Behold the Black Caiman: A Chronicle of Ayoreo Life (University of Chicago Press, 2014).
Honorable Mention:  Taniele Rui, Nas tramas do crack: etnografia de abjeção (Terceiro Nome, São Paulo, 2014).

Honorable Mention:  Alex M. Nading, Mosquito Trails: Ecology, Health, and the Politics of Engagement (University of California Press, 2014)


Winner: Paja Faudree, Singing for the Dead: The Politics of Indigenous Ethnic Revival in Mexico (Duke University Press, 2013).