Call for Papers: Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Prize 2024
The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology invites submission of papers for the annual Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Prize. The competition honors the work of two distinguished anthropologists, June Nash and William Roseberry, for their multiple contributions to the anthropological understanding of Latin America. The paper should draw on relevant anthropological literature and present data from original research in any field of Latin American and Caribbean anthropology.
The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology invites submission of papers for the annual Roseberry-Nash Graduate Student Paper Prize. The competition honors the work of two distinguished anthropologists, June Nash and William Roseberry, for their multiple contributions to the anthropological understanding of Latin America. The paper should draw on relevant anthropological literature and present data from original research in any field of Latin American and Caribbean anthropology.
The award will be presented at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Tampa, FL, November 20-24, 2024. A cash prize of $1,000 accompanies the award. Additionally, the authors of the First Place and Honorable Mention are provided personalized mentoring with the editors of The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology to aid them in the revision of their papers for submission to JLACA.
All participants in the competition are guaranteed placement and encouraged to participate in the SLACA sponsored JLACA “Roseberry-Nash Mentoring Program” held at the Meetings of the AAA. This mentoring and writing workshop is designed to help student authors develop the presentation of their research into a successful scholarly journal article that contributes to the study of the region.
All participants in the competition are guaranteed placement and encouraged to participate in the SLACA sponsored JLACA “Roseberry-Nash Mentoring Program” held at the Meetings of the AAA. This mentoring and writing workshop is designed to help student authors develop the presentation of their research into a successful scholarly journal article that contributes to the study of the region.
* Contestants must be enrolled in a graduate program in Anthropology at the time of submitting the paper.
* Paper length: maximum 8,000 words.
* Languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
* Must hold a student membership in the Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) if awarded a prize (membership is not required at time of submission)
Papers must be submitted on or before October 15, 2024, to Ken Seligson, SLACA Prizes Councilor. Please email papers as attached documents to Submissions should be formatted as an MS Word file and should include a) a de-identified copy of the submission, without name or other identifiers or contact information and b) a copy of the submission with the name of the author and other identifying information included.
Convocatoria: Premio Roseberry-Nash para estudiantes de posgrado 2024
La Sociedad para la Antropología Latinoamericana y Caribeña (SLACA; por sus siglas en inglés), una sección de la Asociación de Antropología Americana (AAA), anuncia la apertura de su convocatoria para el Premio anual Roseberry-Nash y solicita la entrega de trabajos académicos inéditos y originales (no previamente publicados) para el concurso del 2024.
El premio reconoce a dos antropólogos distinguidos, June Nash y William Roseberry, por sus importantes contribuciones a la antropología de América Latina. El escrito deberá presentar los resultados de una investigación original y estar vinculado con cualquier campo de estudio de la antropología de América Latina y el Caribe.
Los resultados se anunciarán formalmente durante la Reunión de Negocios de SLACA, la cual se realizará durante el congreso anual de la Asociación de Antropología Americana (AAA) que tendrá lugar en Tampa, Florida del 20 al 24 de Noviembre del 2024. El premio consiste en US $1,000. Así mismo, el ganador tendrá la oportunidad de trabajar con los editores del Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (JLACA) en la publicación del trabajo en esta revista académica.
* Estudiantes deben estar inscritos en un programa de posgrado de antropología en el momento de envíar el trabajo.
* El escrito debe contar con un máximo 8000 palabras.
*Se aceptan trabajos en inglés, portugués, y español.
*No es requisito ser miembro de la Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) para la entrega de trabajos, pero si el trabajo es seleccionado como ganador, su autor/a deberá volverse miembro de SLACA (ver la página web de SLACA para más detalles:
Entrega de trabajos
La fecha límite para la entrega de trabajos es el 15 de octubre del 2024. Los escritos deberán ser enviados por correo electrónico a Ken Seligson a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:
Los trabajos deben ser enviados en formato de MS Word, en dos copias. Solicitamos dos copias a) una copia sin nombre de autor u otra información que identifique al autor; b) una copia con el nombre de autor, y datos de contacto.
Prêmio Roseberry-Nash de Melhor Paper de Pós-Graduação — Edição 2024
Chamada para Papers
A Sociedade para Antropologia da América Latina e do Caribe (SLACA) convida para submissão de papers para da Competição Roseberry-Nash de Melhor Paper de Pós-Graduação. A competição é dedicada à obra de dois notáveis antropólogos, June Nash e William Roseberry, por suas múltiplas contribuições ao entendimento antropológico da América Latina.
O prêmio será anunciado durante o encontro anual da Associação Americana de Antropologia (AAA) em Tampa, Florida, 20-24 de novembro de 2024. Um valor em dinheiro no valor de US$ 1000 acompanha o prêmio.
O paper deve dialogar com literatura antropológica relevante e apresentar dados de pesquisa original em qualquer campo de estudos na área de antropologia da América Latina e do Caribe.
*os competidores devem estar matric