Spring 2015 Conference


Fifth Spring Conference

26-28 March 2015, Oaxaca, México

Recent Developments in Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology: Debates, Theories and Methods

See the full Programa

In contemporary and global society, intercultural dialogue has gained strength as a tool destined to push new relationships amongst individuals and collectives searching for a consensus on the different political and social practices, economic and cultural.  Latin America and the Caribbean are tainted by a multiplicity of complex histories sharing the experience of having endured colonization and political / economic subordination before different North Atlantic nations as their common denominator.  The sources, the impulse and the consequences of anthropological research share in the history of ambivalence. It is in this context that it is of most importance to generate an academic dialogue that pledges to that social impulse.  Latin America and the Caribbean have been, for a long time now, the scenario of a number of anthropological initiatives started by national and foreign academics; the intersection, thematic variety, different theoretical and methodological approaches that these studies offer, make it necessary to examine the trajectories and academic traditions of the anthropologies of Latin American and Caribbean, within the context of their global-local relationships and translocalities, in other words, beyond their arbitrary geographical boundaries and the nationality of their researchers.

This conference is the privileged space for a critical reflection on these dialogues and the silences that have facilitated this, and those that have prevented more equal and respectful forms of communication about different themes, from “the classics” to emerging topics that constitute the reality of Latin America and the Caribbean.  We would like to extend an invitation to discuss important topics on Anthropology as well as on the subjects with whom we carry out our research: from kinship to new ways of sociality and sociability; from alternative construction projects and reconstruction of societies; on the importance of the oral registers to the new technologies of inscription and archives; from the indigenous and farm movements to political and cultural movements that involve a variety of actors with long, multi-directed agendas; from local histories to new proposals for discursive articulations, generated with recent information technology and communication; from the diverse forms of power: from the subtle nuances, to the most violent; from the different ways of understanding gender to the different forms of sexuality; from the local identitarian strategies to the national ones; from the new forms of colonialism and the different anthropological alternatives and strategies to explain that multiplicity of themes.

This conference seeks to foster a space for this dialogue, built on the basis of the thematical and methodological analysis with which the local anthropologies, national and foreign have approached these and other topics in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Desarrollos recientes de la Antropología en América Latina y el Caribe: Debates, teorías y Métodos

 En la sociedad global contemporánea, el diálogo intercultural ha tomado fuerza como una herramienta destinada a impulsar nuevas relaciones entre los individuos y las colectividades, y la búsqueda del consenso sobre los sentidos de distintas políticas y prácticas sociales, económicas, políticas y culturales. Latinoamérica y el Caribe se caracterizan por una multiplicidad de historias complejas cuyo común denominador es la experiencia del colonialismo y la subordinación económica y política ante distintas naciones del Atlántico Norte. Las fuentes, el impulso, y las consecuencias de la investigación antropológica comparten esta historia de ambivalencias. En este contexto, es apremiante generar un diálogo académico que corresponda a este impulso social. Latinoamérica y el Caribe han sido por mucho tiempo escenario de numerosos estudios antropológicos emprendidos tanto por estudiosos nacionales como extranjeros; la intersección y variedad temática, las distintas aproximaciones teóricas y metodológicas que los estudios ofrecen, hacen necesario el examen de las trayectorias y tradiciones académicas de las antropologías latinoamericanas y caribeñas, entendidas éstas en sus relaciones global-locales y translocales, es decir, más allá de sus arbitrarios límites geográficos y de la nacionalidad de las y los investigadores.

 Esta conferencia se plantea como el espacio privilegiado para una reflexión crítica sobre los diálogos y los silencios que se han favorecido, y aquellos que han impedido formas más igualitarias y respetuosas de comunicación alrededor de temas clásicos y emergentes que atañen a las viejas y nuevas realidades de América Latina y el Caribe. Invitamos a la discusión de temas importantes tanto para la antropología como para los sujetos con quienes llevamos a cabo nuestras investigaciones: desde el parentesco hasta las nuevas formas de socialidad y sociabilidad; de los proyectos alternativos de construcción y reconstrucción de la sociedad; de la importancia de los registros orales hasta las nuevas tecnologías de inscripción y archivo; de las luchas indígenas y campesinas a movimientos políticos y culturales que involucran actores diversos con agendas amplias y multi-direccionadas; de las historias locales hasta las nuevas articulaciones discursivas propuestas y generadas con las recientes tecnologías de la información y comunicación; de las distintas formas de ejercicio de poder, desde sus formas más sutiles hasta las violentas; de las distintas formas de entender el género y las distintas formas de sexualidad; de las estrategias identitarias locales hasta las nacionales; de las nuevas formas de colonialismo y de las distintas alternativas y estrategias antropológicas para explicar esta multiplicidad de fenómenos.

Este congreso, entonces, busca propiciar que este diálogo se construya sobre la base del análisis temático y metodológico con el que las antropologías locales, nacionales y extranjeras han abordado estos y otros temas en el Caribe y América Latina.

We invite SLACA members in any discipline of anthropology to propose sessions within this broad theme, reflecting the different sub-disciplinary understandings of related issues. Proposals may consist of two categories: (1) Papers submitted for consideration under the conference theme, and (2) Posters submitted on any topic including those on the conference theme.

Deadline for submission of abstracts:  September 31, 2014

Questions may be directed to Martha Rees at mwrees@gmail.com, Ramona Perez at perez@mail.sdsu.edu, or Alejandra Aquino at alejandra.aquinom@yahoo.com 

Conference Format:

We are limiting the number of papers to no more than 40 in order to assure that there are no concurrent sessions on the conference theme.

Morning plenary sessions related to the theme are held on the mornings of the 26th and 27th.

We will have one day of concurrent sessions on other themes along with poster sessions.

Afternoon/evening sessions will include the inauguration with keynote speaker and reception on the 26th followed by ‘voces de los actores’ panels with community and organization activists on subsequent days. The 28th will end with the Clausura and presentation of the Kearney award.

Important dates and deadlines:

September 31, 2014 – Deadline for submission of abstracts

October 21, 2014 – Announcement of pre-selected abstracts

January 6, 2015 – Deadline for submission of full papers

January 20, 2014 – Deadline for submission of poster abstracts

February 1, 2015 – Confirmation of acceptance

26-28 Marzo, 2015 – Conference in Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico

Selection procedure:

The Conference Committee will pre-select 30-40 papers to be presented at the conference’s thematic sessions on 26-27 March 2015.  To ensure acceptance, the committee must receive complete paper drafts no later than January 6th, 2015. Final selection is contingent on submission of the final draft in February 2015.

The main session will be split into six sub-sessions, over two days. All presentations will be allotted 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for comments and questions.  Additional papers will be selected as posters or as presentations for concurrent sessions in the afternoon of the 27th and/or 28th . Papers addressing related topics will be presented in concurrent sessions on the 28th, following the same format. There will be a poster session for papers selected by the committee.  Also, those wishing to submit posters from the start can do so and submit the related abstracts by .

The editor of the Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology will invite authors to submit revised papers for a special issue of the journal. We also have invited the editors of leading Mexican national and regional anthropology journals to attend and to consider inviting the submission of papers.  We are hoping that the conference will result in several volumes or special issues, in various journals.  The final program will include the names of the Editors and the journals they represent.


Conference Organizers:

Martha W. Rees (Agnes Scott College, Instituto Welte)

Ramona Perez (San Diego State University)

Alejandra Aquino (CIESAS-Pacifico Sur)


Conference Committee:

Francisco Fernandez Repetto (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan)

Walter Little (SUNY ALBANY)


Host Institutions

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social, Pacifico Sur

Instituto Welte para Estudios Oaxaqueños